

Welcome to QTP interview questions

Hello software Quality engineers. Welcome to our Software testing world and common QTP(Quick test pro) related technical issues, interview questions etc. . Over 2 years, I am trying to update all possible interview questions in testing area of QTP. With your continuous comments on the topics and suggestions, we are growing day by day.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

What is the difference between a Project & a Product? (or) a Project testing & a Product testing?

A project is normally a client specific. i.e we develop a project depending upon the requirements of the client, when we completely meet the client requirements, then the project is said to be completed. So testing of such thing is called a project testing.

Where as a product means company specific, which later can be modified every time when a new client buys the product. The product is modified every time when a new client comes and says his requirements. The very common things like managing payroll systems, e-commerce , buying/selling etc will be managed in a product. Testing of such a product is called product testing.

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