

Welcome to QTP interview questions

Hello software Quality engineers. Welcome to our Software testing world and common QTP(Quick test pro) related technical issues, interview questions etc. . Over 2 years, I am trying to update all possible interview questions in testing area of QTP. With your continuous comments on the topics and suggestions, we are growing day by day.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

How do you deal with Library files (VB script files)? How do you add library files in a test ?

How do you deal with Library files (VB script files)? How do you add library files in a test ?

Library functions are nothing but common vb script coding snippets . This group of small piece of codes are made as functions , procedures, classes, methods etc.. and they are stored in libraries with a meaning full name.

In Script-Testing, we can associate a library function to a test even at run time.

When we associate a library file in a test, then all the related functions with in the library are available to all the actions of the script. Where as if you use an executable function to call the library, then only that particular action from where we are calling the executable function will have permission to use the library functions.

QTP, library functions, library files, vbscript functions, vbsctipt codes, executable files, vb script code, QTP, mercury QTP, Functional testing, testing tools

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